1·The present invention relates to a bed with an integrated sensor unit for a patient.
2·Furthermore the invention relates to a method of providing a bed with a sensor unit for a patient.
3·Each sensor unit may include a memory having the communication protocol application stored therein.
4·In another arrangement, the sensor unit is controlled according to the level distribution of the first image signals.
5·The small measuring field of sensor unit is the key problem in the free form surface measurement of large scale objects.
6·The device comprises a sensor unit and an electronic speed-regulating controller electrically connected with the sensor unit.
7·The Aipad has apparently been around for a while and has "2 lines of aluminium [which] can be connected by clip with a small sensor unit.
8·Methods for resolving the Pade 'Approximant coefficients and calibrating each sensor unit on a mass production basis are also disclosed.
9·The invention relates to an inductive sensor unit having one or several coils, which are mounted on a printed circuit board in a planar manner.
10·In the digital measurement for free-form surface, image mosaics are needed to achieve the whole measurement for the small measuring field of sensor unit.